Morning All
This post is a little different from the norm - but really has to be done.
Under the New Data Protection Law (GDPR) that comes into effect on Friday 25th May, I am required to inform you of the data which is collected from/about you when you comment, follow or subscribe to my blog, and to inform you of how you can unfollow or unsubscribe if you so wish.
In order that this information does not get lost amongst posts that will appear later, I have added it to the Privacy Policy that you can access from the right hand side of the blog.
Please ensure that you have read the information contained in the Privacy Policy, and that subsequently, should you wish to, that you follow the information on how to unfollow or unsubscribe from my blog.
Please feel free to comment below if you are unsure of anything and I will do my best to help you.
If you receive this by email, please visit the blog and check out the Privacy Policy.
Thanks for all your continued support
Take care,