About Me

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I'm a retired primary school teacher, who started paper crafting in 2008, when I had a fancy to make my own Christmas cards. Since then, I have tried all sorts of techniques and styles - and I kind of like them all. I have been lucky enough to be on blog teams and large design teams and to do a bit of freelance demonstrating - and I love the challenge of working with different products. My crafting style is very varied - from junk journaling and art journaling, bookbinding and journal making, to quilting and patchwork - and of course I still make cards. This variety keeps me interested - and my crafty stash growing!! I'm always seeking inspiration for new projects.

Saturday 21 March 2020

Something to celebrate in these uncertain times!!

Hello all.  Wow - so much has changed in the world since my last post. As a primary school teacher. the last week or so has been incredibly stressful and busy as we anticipated the shutdown and scrambled to sort physical resources and on-line access. On Friday at 3.15pm, I waved goodbye to my class (albeit only 2/3 were in) and I don't know if I will see them as a group in my classroom again. My colleagues are now prepping for the work that will still continue for those children who will still be coming into the building. Although it is no longer teaching per se, they will still be ensuring, as ever, the all-round well being of those children through the remote learning activities set by their individual teachers, through PE sessions and creative arts and DT. It makes me really sad that I won't be there, as I am classed in the vulnerable group. I held out until Friday, but finally admitted that it was time to socially distance. 

It makes me sad that I cannot be there physically, and I have shed a few tears at the prospect of being at home. It doesn't mean I am now on holiday, as I will be in daily contact with my class, setting and checking on-line work, trying to answer any questions, and remotely encouraging all the other creative and physically-active activities - and generally just encouraging them to be their best selves. This is an unprecedented time. 

We have encouraged parents to set a timetable where possible, to help the children keep in a routine. And I have had to heed that too. I have set aside time in the day for work, for exercise (running, cycling and dog walking while I can), gardening (my poor neglected garden will not know what has hit it) and of course for crafting. Hopefully I will be as disciplined as the children!!

Amongst all that chaos, it was my brother-in-law and sister-in-law's wedding anniversary - something positive and definitely worth celebrating. And thankfully the card was already made. So, here it is:

The topper and background card is Hunkydory - A Purrfect Anniversary, with silver mirror card and cream linen card. I used twill ribbon - not my usual as I'd say 95% of my ribbon stash is satin - and some little pearl hearts.

I am sure, now that I will have more time, I will be back sooner rather than later.
Take care of yourselves.

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