About Me

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I'm a retired primary school teacher, who started paper crafting in 2008, when I had a fancy to make my own Christmas cards. Since then, I have tried all sorts of techniques and styles - and I kind of like them all. I have been lucky enough to be on blog teams and large design teams and to do a bit of freelance demonstrating - and I love the challenge of working with different products. My crafting style is very varied - from junk journaling and art journaling, bookbinding and journal making, to quilting and patchwork - and of course I still make cards. This variety keeps me interested - and my crafty stash growing!! I'm always seeking inspiration for new projects.

Sunday 13 June 2021

Art Reboot #3 If I were a flower....

Today's prompt was - If you were a flower, what would you be. I had to think about this - and in the end I went for a flower that I love in my garden - and was planting this morning! It is the good old Busy Lizzie - or Impatiens. And the guide was to paint it in a whimsical way. 

I have always loved Busy Lizzies as, in the right spot, they need little fuss, and really flourish and produce loads of flowers. And in a way, that is me - I flourish when I am in the right place! I also think the name suits me too. I am always busy - on the go, and doing things - and can be quite impatient!

So, I said yesterday, I wanted to be less planned and use less materials - and I think I managed that. Quite whether my painting is whimsical - I really have no idea.

Back tomorrow. Happy crafting.


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